
Working days, from 09:00 to 18:30

Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Центральный филиал (Нур-Султан)
JSC Bereke Bank (former name – SB JSC Sberbank of Russia)
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 3 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
An organization engaged in microfinance activities
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:

2. Статья: 212 Пункт: 2 -
Type of Enactments
1. On submission financial and other reporting
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Костанайский филиал (Костанай)
An organization engaged in microfinance activities
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:

2. Статья: 212 Пункт: 2 -
Type of Enactments
1. On submission financial and other reporting
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Костанайский филиал (Костанай)
An organization engaged in microfinance activities
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:

2. Статья: 212 Пункт: 2 -
Type of Enactments
1. On submission financial and other reporting
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Костанайский филиал (Костанай)
An organization engaged in microfinance activities
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:

2. Статья: 212 Пункт: 2 -
Type of Enactments
1. On submission financial and other reporting
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Костанайский филиал (Костанай)
An organization engaged in microfinance activities
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:

2. Статья: 212 Пункт: 2 -
Type of Enactments
1. On submission financial and other reporting
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Костанайский филиал (Костанай)
An organization engaged in microfinance activities
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:

2. Статья: 212 Пункт: 2 -
Type of Enactments
1. On submission financial and other reporting
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Костанайский филиал (Костанай)
An organization engaged in microfinance activities
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:

2. Статья: 212 Пункт: 2 -
Type of Enactments
1. On submission financial and other reporting
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Костанайский филиал (Костанай)
Payment organization
Limited enforcement action
Written warning
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. - Requirements of the Rules for submitting information about payment services approved by the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 31, 2016 No. 213
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning the compliance with the law on payments and payment systems
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Центральный аппарат
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