
Working days, from 09:00 to 18:30

Loans to the economy in the extended definition as of May 1, 2024 increased since the beginning of the year by 3,5% and amounted 35,8 trillion tenge. By categories of borrowers, 46,1% of the total volume of loans falls on business loans (non-financial legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have received loans for business purposes), 53,9% are loans to the population. At the same time, business loans increased since the beginning of the year by 0,4% and amounted 16,5 trillion tenge, loans to the public increased by 6,2% to 19,3 trillion tenge. The volume of loans in national currency increased since the beginning of the year by 3,7% to 32,8 trillion tenge, in foreign currency - by 1,3% to 3,0 trillion tenge (including due to their currency revaluation). Loans from the banking sector accounted for 86,1% of the total volume of loans.

Due to the change in data sources and the transfer of the collection of reporting information on loans of microfinance organizations on a monthly basis, starting with reports as of July 1, 2023, the frequency of publication of statistics on lending to the economy in the extended definition has been changed from quarterly to monthly basis.

Loans to economy in an expanded definition are balances of actual debt on loans:

  • banking sector (second-tier banks, including JSC “Otbasy Bank”, and JSC “Development Bank of Kazakhstan”),
  • mortgage organizations (JSC “Kazakhstan Housing Company”, JSC “Express Finance” Mortgage Organization”),
  • other public sector corporations (subsidiary organizations of JSC “NMH “Baiterek” carrying out lending to the real sector: JSC “Agrarian Credit Corporation”, JSC “KazAgroFinance”, JSC “Industry Development Fund”, JSC “Kazyna Capital Management”),
  • organizations engaged in microfinance activity (microfinance organizations, credit partnerships and pawnshops).

The data are categorized as loans to business (loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for business purposes) and loans to population (loans to individuals for purposes not related to business).

More information about loans from the banking sector and second-tier banks is available at the links:

Loans from banking sector

Loans from second-tier banks - summary data on debt volumes and interest rates

Loans from second-tier banks - analytical table

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