
Working days, from 09:00 to 18:30

Collection agency
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
516 880,00 tenge
The nature of a breach:
1. Repeated violation by the collection agency of the deadline for submitting financial or other statements provided for by regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 212 Пункт: 2 - Of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on administrative offences"
Resolution of the specialized interdistrict court for administrative offenses of the city of Almaty No. 7528-24-00-3/22341 dated May 31, 2024. (protocols on administrative offenses dated April 25, 2024. No. 247500800000344, No. 247500800000345, No. 247500800000346, No. 247500800000347, No. 247500800000348, No. 247500800000349, No. 2475008000003 50, No. 247500800000351, No. 247500800000352, No. 247500800000353)
Type of Enactments
1. On submission financial and other reporting
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Алматинский городской филиал (Алматы)
"Еrmuhan" LTC
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
The nature of a breach:
1. late submission of a report on transactions carried out through exchange offices for the purchase and (or) sale of refined gold bars issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to Appendix 16
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
Type of Enactments
1. Rules of organization of exchange operations with cash foreign currency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 4, 2019 No. 49
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Акмолинский филиал (Кокшетау)
"Еrmuhan" LTC
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
The nature of a breach:
1. Late submission of a report on the purchase and (or) sale of cash in an amount equal to or exceeding 50,000 (fifty thousand) US dollars in equivalent, according to Appendix 14
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
Type of Enactments
1. Rules of organization of exchange operations with cash foreign currency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 4, 2019 No. 49
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Акмолинский филиал (Кокшетау)
"Nurbank", JSC
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
55 380
The nature of a breach:
1. Presentation of incomplete and (or) unreliable report on notification of made currency operations by agent of currency control provided by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, committed repeatedly second time within a year after imposition of administrative sanction
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Nurbank", JSC
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
55 380
The nature of a breach:
1. Presentation of incomplete and (or) unreliable report on notification of made currency operations by agent of currency control provided by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, committed repeatedly second time within a year after imposition of administrative sanction
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Nurbank", JSC
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
55 380
The nature of a breach:
1. Presentation of incomplete and (or) unreliable report on notification of made currency operations by agent of currency control provided by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, committed repeatedly second time within a year after imposition of administrative sanction
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Nurbank", JSC
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
55 380
The nature of a breach:
1. Presentation of incomplete and (or) unreliable report on notification of made currency operations by agent of currency control provided by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, committed repeatedly second time within a year after imposition of administrative sanction
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Nurbank", JSC
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
55 380
The nature of a breach:
1. Presentation of incomplete and (or) unreliable report on notification of made currency operations by agent of currency control provided by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, committed repeatedly second time within a year after imposition of administrative sanction
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Nurbank", JSC
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
55 380
The nature of a breach:
1. Presentation of incomplete and (or) unreliable report on notification of made currency operations by agent of currency control provided by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, committed repeatedly second time within a year after imposition of administrative sanction
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Magnat" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 11 Пункт: 2 -
2. Статья: 464 Пункт: 1 -
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Восточно-Казахстанский филиал (Усть-Каменогорск)
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