
Working days, from 09:00 to 18:30

«ОП Магнит» LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
202 000,00
The nature of a breach:
1. violation of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan licensing standards, including inconsistency qualification requirements to licensed kinds of activity
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 464 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
violation of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan licensing standards, including inconsistency qualification requirements to licensed kinds of activity
Type of Enactments
1. Rules of organization of exchange operations with cash foreign currency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 4, 2019 No. 49
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Карагандинский филиал (Караганда)
"Сергал" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
388 850
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
"Сергал" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
388 850
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
"Сергал" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
388 850
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
"Сергал" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
388 850
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
"Сергал" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
388 850
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
"Сергал" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
388 850
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
"Сергал" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
388 850
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
"Medina and A" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
License suspension
The nature of a breach:
1. violation of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan licensing standards, including inconsistency qualification requirements to licensed kinds of activity
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 464 Пункт: 1 - Violation of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan licensing standards, including inconsistency qualification requirements to licensed kinds of activity
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Актюбинский филиал (Актобе)
Authorized organization
Дело № 3-12296-19 от 23.12.2019г.
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
378750 тенге
The nature of a breach:
1. Impeding to civil servants of the bodies of state control and supervision in performing their official duties in accordance with their competence being expressed in a refusal to represent necessary documents and other details
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 462 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Восточно-Казахстанский филиал (Усть-Каменогорск)
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