
Working days, from 09:00 to 18:30

"Болашақ и К" LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
202 000,00
The nature of a breach:
1. violation of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan licensing standards, including inconsistency qualification requirements to licensed kinds of activity
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 464 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
violation of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan licensing standards, including inconsistency qualification requirements to licensed kinds of activity
Type of Enactments
1. Rules of organization of exchange operations with cash foreign currency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 4, 2019 No. 49
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Карагандинский филиал (Караганда)
LLP "Султан и К"
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation of a procedure for representing reporting on executed registration certificates or certificates on notification or on currency monitoring, on exchange operations with cash foreign currency, as well as information and documents confirming occurrence of the circumstances that have an impact on terms and conditions for repatriation of the national and foreign currency
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 243 Пункт: 1 -
Provision of unreliable reporting on exchange transactions with cash foreign currency.
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Жамбылский филиал (Тараз)
Currency Exchange Capitalist LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
Currency Exchange Capitalist LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
Currency Exchange Capitalist LLP
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. Violation by the subjects of financial monitoring of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal means and financing of terrorism in terms of documenting, storing and providing information on transactions, subject to financial monitoring, their clients, due diligence of clients (their representatives) and beneficiary owners, taking measures to freeze operations with money and (or) other property, refusal to establish business relations and conducting operations with money and (or) other property, suspension of operations subject to financial monitoring, protection of documents, obtained in the process of its activities
Date of performance:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 214 Пункт: 1 - The Code of Administrative Offenses
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. For violation of the Republic of Kazakhstan legislation concerning accounting and financial reporting
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 239 Пункт: 4 - The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative Infractions"
Type of Enactments
1. On compliance with accounting and financial reporting standards
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Филиал в области Жетісу (город Талдыкорган)
LPP «AiTim»
Authorized organization
Limited enforcement action
Қадағалап ден қоюдың ұсынымдық шаралары
The nature of a breach:
1. a reliable report was not provided for the 3rd quarter of 2019 under Appendix 11-1, approved by a resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 24, 2014 № 178
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 8 Пункт: 35 - The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
2. Статья: 45-2 - The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On banks and banking activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Type of Enactments
1. Rules of org-n of exchange operations with available foreign currency in RK №49 // the Resolution of Board of NB of RK № 178 dated 24.09.2014
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Восточно-Казахстанский филиал (Усть-Каменогорск)
"Мын-булак" LPP
Authorized organization
Limited enforcement action
Қадағалап ден қоюдың ұсынымдық шаралары
The nature of a breach:
1. a reliable report was not provided for the 3rd quarter of 2019 under Appendix 11-1, approved by a resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 24, 2014 № 178
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 8 Пункт: 35 - The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
2. Статья: 45-2 - The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On banks and banking activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Type of Enactments
1. Rules of org-n of exchange operations with available foreign currency in RK №49 // the Resolution of Board of NB of RK № 178 dated 24.09.2014
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Восточно-Казахстанский филиал (Усть-Каменогорск)
"М-Тенге" LPP
Authorized organization
Limited enforcement action
Қадағалап ден қоюдың ұсынымдық шаралары
The nature of a breach:
1. 1. Items 33, 34, 41, 49, 51 Rules for the organization of cash exchange exchange in the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the ruling of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan of April 4, 2019 No. 49. 2. Paragraph 2 of Article 10, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 11 of the Kazakhstan Act on The Prevention of The Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds of Crime and The Financing of Terrorism. 3. Paragraphs 2, 3 Rules for financial monitoring entities to provide information and information on transactions subject to financial monitoring approved by the Government of Kazakhstan decree of November 23, 2012 No. 1484. 4. Requirements 518, in terms of identification, proper verification of an individual, and recording the necessary information about him in the client's dossier during the exchange of cash foreign currency equivalent to more than 500,000.00 Tenge. 5. The Rules of Internal Control to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism on financially monitoring transactions approved by the Director of the Partnership April 18, 2016 No P-3-1 (more - PVC), including sub paragraph 8) paragraph 8 PVC.
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 8 Пункт: 35 - Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
2. Статья: 61 Пункт: 2 - Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
3. Статья: 45-1, 45-2 - The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Banks and Banking in the Republic of Kazakhstan”
4. Статья: 2 - Rules for the application of measures of supervisory regulation No. 272 ​​approved by a resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 29, 2018
5. Статья: 3 Пункт: 1 - Rules for the application of supervisory regency measures No. 272, approved by the ruling of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2018
Type of Enactments
1. Закон Республики Казахстан от 28.08.2009г. «О противодействии легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма», Правила организации обменных операций с наличной иностранной валютой в Республике Казахстан №144
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Восточно-Казахстанский филиал (Усть-Каменогорск)
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
The nature of a breach:
1. inaccurate reporting
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 218 Пункт: 7 -
Type of Enactments
1. Rules of organization of exchange operations with cash foreign currency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 4, 2019 No. 49
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Южно-Казахстанский филиал (Шымкент)
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