
Working days, from 09:00 to 18:30

67,901 Loan Requests Accepted Within 7-20-25 Program

67,901 loan requests were accepted as of August 26, 2021 within implementation of 7-20-25 Program for an amount of 832.2 billion KZT. Out the total number of received loan requests, 39,541 loans were approved for an amount of 485.7 billion KZT.  

If you have any questions about the 7-20-25 Program please contact Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund JSC via its 24/7 phone line: +7 (727) 227-20-25.

You can also find extra information at an official internet resource of the mortgage organization.

Media representatives may get more detailed information by request:
+7 (7172)  77-52-10
e-mail: press@nationalbank.kz

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